She Is With Me Every Day

Grumble! Ye Erruo's weak stomach began to growl.

"Are you hungry?" He took the hair tie around her wrist and reached out to tie her hair up. Only he was allowed to see her long hair let down like that.

"I am not hungry. Let's head back." Ye Erruo could sense the sour atmosphere in the air.

Mo Jiangye bit his lips before saying softly, "Let's head back after you've eaten."

Ye Erruo widened her eyes. He had unexpectedly agreed to let her stay and finish their meal.

Mo Jiangye naturally was extremely unwilling to do this. He couldn't wait to pack her things up and take her out of there.

However, her body had just recovered and she needed nourishment. Plus, she was hungry. Therefore, he was not willing to let her stay hungry for another second.