She Was Going to Get Rabies From a Dog Bite

When they returned to the Zhuang Ge Residence, Bo Yu had a white gauze wrapped around his head and his complexion was terrible.

As he saw Ye Erruo being brought back, he was so emotional that his eyes were brimming with tears.

She's back. It's fine as long as she is back. All is good as long as she is alright.

"What happened to your head? Cough…" Ye Erruo gazed at Bo Yu's head.

"It's nothing, Young Madam. I accidentally knocked into something."

When the servants saw Ye Erruo, their eyes brightened. The initially lifeless manor was instantly filled with life.

"Why does your complexion look so bad? Are you sick?" Ye Erruo asked again. Indeed, his face was frighteningly pale.

"No, Young Madam."

"Head down and rest. You can have a week off," Mo Jiangye said coldly.

"Yes, Young Master."