It Is Either Me Or The Dog

"Red Bean…" By cooing softly at the canine, the servant tried to lure the dog away with a bone and a piece of aromatic, tantalizing meat.

Unfortunately, the creature was not enticed by the bone and the meat dangling before it.

When the man saw it wag its ugly tail across the woman's cheek, he was so incensed that veins could be seen visibly popping up on his temples.

"Get me the gun," he ordered angrily.

The servant was taken aback. Gun?

Another servant guessed his intention almost immediately and quickly went to fetch a tranquilizer gun equipped with a silencer.

The man took the gun and aimed at the dog, his eyes shooting daggers at the same time. He would make minced meat out of this dog tonight.


The doggie let out a loud yelp in pain.

The maid was standing beside the dog, so her face turned white as a sheet and she unconsciously turned to look at her master with a start.