Teach Her How To Cheat?

A smirk crept into his face as he held up the cards in his hand. "Take a guess."

Surrounding them were numerous eyes that were staring closely at the cards in his hand and his every action.

Seeing that they were being watched, she stared at the man and said in a voice that was audible only to the two of them, "You don't know how to cheat?"

"I do," he murmured back in a languid drawl. "I've been cheating all along."

Her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief and her hands, which were massaging his shoulders, wrapped around his neck at once as she leaned in against him and rested her chin on his shoulder. From the way she stared unblinkingly at the cards in his hands like the others, it seemed like she wanted to see through his trick as well.

All she saw, however, was Mo Jiangye and his opponent skillfully spreading the ten cards they each had on the table again.

A few minutes later, the dealer announced, "The winner is Mr. Mo."