Confiscating Lin Jingxuan's Complete Power

"When is your brother coming to visit you?" Lin Jingxuan asked the woman as he hugged her close to him with a cigarette in his hand. He had a look of satisfaction on his face.

As Gu Feirou leaned on his chest, she replied lazily, "How should I know? Jing Xinze told me that he arrived several days ago, but I have yet to see him."

"Okay. You must inform me when he visits you."

"I don't want to see him."

"He's your brother and he has travelled all the way from the Blue Tower just to see you. Meeting him is not something you can easily avoid."

The woman answered with a snort, "Well, he hasn't contacted me ever since he arrived a couple of days ago. Obviously, he doesn't consider me his sister. I don't need a brother like him."