Let Him Off For The Last Time

"Who did this?" He reached out and touched the spot on her head that was missing a wisp of hair.

She pried his hand away and combed her hair with her bare hands in an attempt to make it neater. "It's nothing. It was my own doing."

"Your own doing?"

The sound of hurried footsteps from outside reached their ears. Soon, several doctors walked into the hall with medical kits in their hands.

"Second Young Master, Second Young Madam." They respectfully greeted the couple before rushing toward Lin Jingxuan, who was groaning in pain.

Meanwhile, Gu Feirou, who had been forcefully taken down by the servants, had the scissors pried off her.

"Has he laid his hands on you again?

Ye Erruo pouted. "Yes."

"Hah!" Mo Jiangye tugged his lips into a cold sneer.

Beside them were the doctors and the servants, who were carrying Lin Jingxuan and anxiously heading for the door. The hall was in a completely chaotic state.