I Do Not Want To Be The Scapegoat

"You'd never have the chance to climb off the bed."

The stirred emotions she felt from hearing that moving love declaration vanished for the most part when she heard the punishment he had in store for her. Can you not be such a killjoy?

"So will you entrust your life to me?" he gently cooed into her ear.

Her lips twitched. "Yes, I will."

Her answer had the man's face breaking into a wide grin as he smiled giddily like a child.

Not far away from them was Bo Jinyan, who had witnessed their intimate interaction with a grim smile. They're buying wedding bands, huh? Are they really intending to get married?

His gaze dimmed when it involuntarily landed on the woman's stomach. Is she really pregnant?

Moments later, the couple turned around and left the shop after collecting their rings.

The doll's going to be taken away by someone else if I don't make a move…