These Have Been Prepared For You Alone

"When Young Master Mo said you were pregnant, you told us you were not. This time…" Yao Tiao stared long and hard at her friend's belly.

"I'm really not pregnant."

"No? Then why did that man say you're pregnant? Oh! By the way, who was that on the line?"

Ye Erruo stirred her coffee before sipping on it. "He saved me before. You've met him."

"Really?" The other woman was baffled. "Gosh! Is it the man we ate roast duck with?"

She shot her a side-glance. "Yes!"

How could she fail to recognize his voice despite conversing with him for several minutes?

"So it was him?" Yao Tiao picked up a dessert and munched on it. "Will your husband skin me alive if he finds out that I'm helping his love rival take care of his dog?"

"What's this 'love rival' nonsense? Plus, how is this any of his business?"

"Of course it is his business!" she replied agitatedly.