Return the Card to Ruoruo Tomorrow

Yao Tiao's face could not be any darker at that moment! She was very certain that Mo Jiangye's compliment had not been directed at her.

"Young Master Mo, do I look good in this dress?"

The man did not even pay her any attention. Instead, he rose to his feet and approached his woman.

"Keep this and change into something else." He stood by the fitting room and tightened the ribbon at her waist.

"I'm about to change out of this dress already. Why are you tightening the ribbon?"

"Go change." He turned her around and pushed her back into the fitting room.

Ye Erruo came out in another outfit a while later.

"It looks good. We'll take it. Now change into something else."

A resigned Ye Erruo popped into the fitting room again to try on yet another design.

This time, before she could even pull up the dress's back zipper, the man came straight inside and stopped her before she could try on more outfits.