
Splash! Hot, boiling tea instantly splashed against them…

Mo Jiangye instinctively blocked Ye Erruo, while the Prison Chief stood in front of them hurriedly in utter fear.

The boiling hot tea splashed directly against the Prison Chief's body.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Why are you so careless? Get out."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Are you alright? Our subordinate is careless. Please do not mind her." The Prison Chief smiled apologetically, ready to wipe Ye Erruo's clothes with his hand.

Mo Jiangye's gaze turned cold as he grabbed his wrist. "Where were you planning to put your hand?"

The Prison Chief's complexion turned ugly from the pain.

"Mo Jiangye…" Ye Erruo called out gently before he immediately brushed the Prison Chief's hand away harshly.

The heater was turned on in the room. Therefore, it had been warm from the moment they'd stepped in. On the table was some tea.

"Please have a seat here."