It Is No Ordinary Love

He ordered coldly, "Squat down and search."

His lady retrieved her foot. "Let her leave."

Although she was displeased with the waitress's attitude, this did not warrant making her stoop down to clean her boots. Besides, the oil stains would not be cleaned off.

The man was merciful for once but did not intend to let her off easily. "Apologize to her."

"Quick, apologize to the lady!" The Prison Chief roared angrily at the girl.

Left with no other option, she had to do as commanded reluctantly. "I'm sorry."

"Young Master Mo, the girl has already apologized. Why don't you let her off now so you can continue your meal in peace?"

"Do you accept her apology?" the man asked his woman dotingly.

She held his chin and gave him a light peck. "I accept it."