It Is All Skin And Bones Now


"Is it willing to eat now?" asked Ye Erruo curiously.

Awooo… A weak howl could be heard from the other end of the line.

"You still don't want to eat anything? Eh? Do you want the phone?" Yao Tiao handed the phone to Red Bean despite feeling her jaw go slack.

Awooo… The poor little mutt lay across the phone and began howling pitifully.

Ye Erruo was speechless.

She truly found this dog's howling increasingly familiar the more she heard it.

"Did you want the phone? Why would a dog want a phone?" Her friend, on the other hand, was feeling utterly perplexed and troubled.

"I'll send you the number once I find it."

"Yeah. No problem."

After ending the call, she began looking through her call log.

"What are you looking for?"

"Oh, dear. I think I lost it—huh? I think it's this number," she mumbled to herself.

"What did you lose and what about that number?"