
Brother Jiangye?

Ye Erruo knew who this unfamiliar visitor was at once.

"Oh, yes. Mo Jiangye doesn't like dolled-up vixens. He prefers a little fairy with micromastia like me."

"Shameless!" The other party retaliated with deep enmity. It was clear that she thought nothing of this lady boss from the way she looked at her.

After finding a seat, Qing Ning ordered a drink and lit a cigarette. While taking a long drag, she watched the ladies on the stage with disdain.

The atmosphere turned awkward due to the arrival of this unannounced guest. Everyone was curious to know about the feud between Little Ah Mei and the girl who had just walked in.

The protagonist remained oblivious to the woman sitting in front of her and merely smiled before whispering to her friend beside her, "I have to go now. You can manage everything else."

"Who is that woman?"

"Someone insignificant."