You Set The House Rules, I Shall Be A Wife Slave

Without saying another word, the man lay on top of her.

"Hey, Boss, what do you think you're doing? We're not asking you to do the push-ups here. Did you see the other mat? Here, this is where you will do your push-ups." Wang Yiyang sniggered.

"That's right, Boss. You better get away from her."

The laughter that erupted thereafter made the lady blush completely.

While looking down at her lying beneath him, he retorted lazily, "I only saw this mat."

"Chief, if you insist on doing the push-ups on this mat, you'll have to bear an extra 120 push-ups. This brings the total up to 800. Are you game?"

"800 is a lot. Isn't he going to pull a muscle if he does so many?" Ye Erruo, who turned her face to the side, asked.

"Sister-in-law is commiserating with our boss!"

"Alright, I'll be lenient with him on her account. Boss, we'll spare you 100 push-ups. You only need to do 700."

"700…" his woman muttered.