
Low moans could be heard from one of the cubicles.

Ye Erruo's lips twitched. She naturally knew what sort of sound this was.

Who are these fearless people going at it in public?

They left the cubicle door open to boot.

The toilet cubicles there were soundproof and so spacious that they had their own washbasins inside. She carefully pushed open the door to one of the empty cubicles and entered it. Once she was done with her business, she quietly exited the cubicle, only to bump into a man coming out of the innermost cubicle as he buckled his belt.

"You—" she shrieked.

"Hm? How did you get in here, babe?" The man studied her in pleasant surprise.

"Orffa, can you help me with the buckle?" A woman walked out of that cubicle.

"Ah!" Upon sighting the intruder, the woman let out a cry of surprise and hastily hid in the cubicle.