Good Night

They were brought to a luxurious room, where Mo Jiangye led his wife to a seat before the coffee table while his assistant was standing respectfully behind them.

"I offer my deepest apologies to you, Young Master Mo. It's true that I only just found out about your visit. I would never have allowed my men to do such a thing to you if I had known. I would like to seek your kind forgiveness and understanding."

With a turn of his head, Bo Yu immediately took a deep bow and proceeded to leave the room.

"I got the gist of what happened earlier as well. I'm truly sorry that your men were injured on my turf. I'm giving you my word that I'll never let that fighter off. He ought to die for hurting your men!"

"Save your words. I want information on that man."

Hm… There's been an increasing number of visitors from Blue Tower recently.