It Was Love At First Sight

It was as if his memory had suddenly burst open and flooded his mind with past events.

"She was the kindest and gentlest woman I have ever met but also the stupidest, most useless, and most vulnerable. She gave everything—her gentleness, kindness, and care—to that man and the son whom she had not born—Lin Jingxuan. She would rather spend her patience and love on that son than on me. She told me that I wasn't her son, I came from the dump, and I made her sick."

Ye Erruo unconsciously clutched his hand tightly when she heard that. She did not agree with what his mother had said. He hadn't been ditched.

Now, she finally understood why Old Master Lin had allowed a mistress into the house ostentatiously and why the illegitimate son had been acknowledged as the firstborn instead.

It was because his mother had loved that man too much for her own good.

As for him, he had never known motherly love, which explained his aloof and tyrannical nature.