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"Little sis, have a look. Whoever you like will be serving you from now on. Of course, you can keep all of them if you like them."

"Did you two do this on purpose?" Gu Feirou was furious as she looked at each of the men's faces, which were all strikingly similar to Lin Jingxuan's face.

"Mm? Doesn't little sis like people like this? I prepared them just the way you like them. There is another batch on the side. Have a look and see if you would like them instead, okay?"

Gu Feirou held back her anger and sneered, "They are here to serve me?"

Bo Jinyan took a small sip of water before opening his mouth slowly. "They will serve you in any way you like. They can coax you into being happy, take you out to have fun, bring you…"

"What about you? Aren't you bothered as my fiance?"

Bo Jinyan gave her a small smile. "You don't have to be a virgin to be a part of my family. As long as you are happy, it doesn't matter if you have been defiled, princess."