We Are the Most Compatible Couple

The man slowly lifted his other hand and placed it on the woman. "Are you going to give me medicine then?"


Later, in the bathroom, Mo Jiangye was enjoying some relaxing bath time with his wife in his arms when she suddenly grabbed hold of his hands and started childishly playing with the bubbles in the bathtub.

"I don't think Yahan is a good match for Xu Xu."

With eyes brimming with tenderness, he glimpsed down at the woman in his embrace. "Yeah. They're incompatible."

"They don't look like a couple when they stand next to each other."

"Yeah, they don't." We're the most compatible couple after all. No other couple would look as compatible as us.

"I meant what I said."


"Somehow, I have the feeling that she's no simple woman. I saw her staring at you earlier."

His lips curled upward. "Mm."