
The residence might have the most advanced medical facilities and top-notch doctors, yet when none of these doctors could save Ye Erruo, Bo Yu had to bring an old man with astral vision.

This old man was said to be an exorcist and a very unorthodox person. The things he did at times were so otherworldly that many people stayed away from him.

As a result, the old man had chosen to stay in a desolate area. On the way to fetch the old man, Bo Yu received numerous calls from his master, who was pestering him to bring the old man over as soon as possible. Mo Jiangye had not had a manic disorder relapse for a long time before his wife had fallen ill. Unfortunately, it had shown up again. Each time he called, his manic disorder would turn from bad to worse.

A sense of doom loomed over the gigantic estate. The young master had hurt himself after destroying the furniture around him, but no servants dared to approach him to bandage his bleeding hands.