I Am Taking Care of Your Pet By Risking My Life

The phone kept ringing. Given the time, it had to be Mo Jiangye.

"Give it to me." She quickly got up and took the phone from the servant's hands. She glanced at the caller ID and smiled.

Bo Jinyan could see her small actions, while Yu Lingfeng continued to eat his food leisurely as if he was watching a good show.

"You guys can go ahead and eat your meal." Ye Erruo took her phone and headed out.

As the phone kept ringing in her hand, Ye Erruo quickened her pace.

When she reached a quiet spot, she finally picked up the call.


"Do you know what time it is now?" The voice on the other end of the line was full of resentment.

"What time is it?" Ye Erruo moved her phone away and checked the time.

"Ten minutes past eight!" Mo Jiangye gritted his teeth.

"Yes… Have you eaten?" Ye Erruo walked slowly inside the garden beside her.

"Eaten? Do you think I ate?"

Ye Erruo smiled gently. "I guess you didn't."