If You Don't Listen To Me, I Will Scald You

Qin Muchen remained motionless.

He halted in his footsteps, his back facing her, there were beads of perspiration on his pale face.

He clutched his stomach, his breathing became uneven and irregular.

Initially, Gu Shinian did not notice anything amiss but she eventually realized that something was abnormal.

"What's wrong with you?"

She stared at the stiff back cautiously, walking forward. Upon closer look, she realized that Qin Muchen's forehead was covered with beads of perspiration. She noticed that he was clutching his stomach. Gu Shinian knitted her eyebrows in concern. "A-are you having gastric pains?"

Qin Muchen used to have gastric pains.

Gu Shinian helped him up. "Please endure it for a while longer. I will bring you back home."

"Go away."

Qin Muchen turned haughty.

He looked pale and he sounded weak and feeble.

Gu Shinian was worried about him. She ignored his temper, opened the door and helped him onto the car. She sat on the driver seat, stepped on the accelerator and sped toward the manor of the Qin family.

The manor of the Qin family was in chaos.

Qin Muchen was sick and his stubborn and arrogant temper had acted up.

He did not lose his temper, but he refused to eat or to see a doctor.

Gu Shinian discovered to her dismay that after three years, Qin Muchen was still Qin Muchen.

When one was sick, one only felt like sleeping.

"You can't sleep. You have to eat some food and take medicine."

"I refuse."

Qin Muchen could not be bothered to come up with an excuse. He pulled the blanket and covered his head. "Get out."

He had not been this disgraced before.

He was in an argument and was about to kill someone when he was doubled over by gastric pains.

To him, this was the most embarrassing and disgraceful moment in his life.

Gu Shinian frowned slightly, lifting the blanket.

"Gu Shinian," Qin Muchen said coldly, "I want you to get out."

As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, a mouthful of porridge was sent into his mouth.

Qin Muchen was caught unaware. He almost choked on the porridge. Besides, the porridge was scalding hot. He almost spat it out.

Gu Shinian puffed her cheeks, trying hard to sound angry and grumbled, "Hurry to eat the porridge, otherwise I will continue to scald you with it."

Qin Muchen could not believe what he had just heard.

He narrowed his eyes. "Gu Shinian, are you trying to…"

His sentence was interrupted by another mouthful of porridge.

It was not as scalding as before.

Qin Muchen was interrupted once again.

He was getting more and more annoyed.

He hardened his voice, raising it an octave higher. "Gu Shinian!"

"I am here."

I have always been here.

She had taken his pulse just now. Qin Muchen had serious gastric problems.

If this continued, things would get worse.

"Finish the porridge and take the medicine. When you have recovered, we can continue our argument and you can go around chopping people. I will then try to stop you once again."

Everything would have to wait until his illness had recovered.

Gu Shinian's heart ached at such a weak and feeble Qin Muchen.

Qin Muchen was left speechless.

Gu Shinian pursed her lips, feeding him with porridge. "Have the porridge. I won't scald you this time."

Qin Muchen stared at her.

Was this considered a threat?

This was the weakest threat that he had ever heard.

However, before he recovered his senses, he had opened his mouth unwittingly and eaten several mouthfuls of porridge.

Qin Muchen frowned. He felt gloomy, staring at the spoon that was right in front of him.

Forget it.

He must be sick and his brains were muddled as well.

Qin Muchen ate the porridge and medicine obediently.