The Girl Scarface Likes

Scarface looked around at the girls and laughed coldly.

He then sat down on the couch and put his legs up nonchalantly.

"Master Scarface, they're newly trained so they're indeed a little insensible! Please calm down, it's not worth getting angry…" Auntie Hong broke out into cold sweat and tried to please him.

She then turned around and glowered at the girls, seemingly trying to warn them not to miss this opportunity!

However, none of them dared to make a decision and were all still hesitating.

However, at this moment, Scarface sneered in disdain and snapped his fingers.

The last subordinate who entered then opened a silver case.

All of a sudden, they were all greeted with the bedazzling sight of thick wads of cash!

"My time is limited. Start performing now! The money will go to whoever impresses me… "

Scarface sounded a little impatient.