Why Haven't You Scrammed!?!

Luo Zheng almost burst into laughter after hearing Jiang Yutong's pitiful complaint.

What a great actress!

Trying to hold herself back from laughing, Luo Zheng thought about how she should behave later to make Scarface dislike her.

However, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen after taking a few steps forward… Due to the chilly weather, her menstrual cramps acted up again, making her face turn pale.

When one is down in luck, their greatest fears really tend to come true!

Whenever her period was about to arrive, she would first suffer from menstrual cramps, followed by a great deal of torment… She wished that her period would not arrive before she gets to escape!

Scarface was walking towards her. If it weren't for the scar on his face… he actually wasn't ugly, for he had a tall and taut figure with mature features.

In fact, he did give off a heroic vibe because of how domineering he was.