Mr. Bodyguard, Are You Really... Not Going To Save Me?

Sensing that Luo Zheng seemed to be feeling a little uneasy, Scarface lit up a cigar and began smoking it.

Luo Zheng smirked and thought about Jiang Yutong's plight before denying, "I'm alright…"

"Zheng, you don't have to be afraid, you and her are different. You can't be compared to each other! As long as you don't betray me, nothing will happen, understand?"

Scarface seemed to be comforting her.

The chauffeur who was driving could not help but be shocked. Having worked for Scarface for so many years, he had seen plenty of spies who ended up in dire straits… including those who tried to seduce him with their good looks. Scarface seemed to be lustful on the surface.

However, in reality, he treated women like objects whom he used to vent his anger.

Once he was sick of them, he would get rid of them and replace them with new women!