A Squeamish Little Girl Is Hard To Raise!

Listening to her sincere words, Bo Hancheng's displeasure vanished.

In the end, he could not help but admit that Luo Zheng did affect him.

He didn't want to delve into the specific reasons.

"Our time is limited. Be good and follow what I tell you. In ten minutes, there will be a power outage in the gambling den. I'll wait for you here and we'll go out through the back door together…"

Bo Hancheng wasn't shocked, for he had clearly made preparations.

The gambling den had two exits, one was at the elevator, and the other was a back door… Chu Ci was at the gate outside and there were also some of their fellow men in the gambling den, who were responsible for cutting off the electricity and killing Scarface's subordinate.

"Remember, there's only five minutes for us to flee after the power is cut. During those five minutes, you have to come over here, got it?"

He reminded her, in case Luo Zheng couldn't remember it clearly.