Brother Cheng Gives In Out Of Sympathy

Call the police!?!

Luo Zheng's mind went blank because she did not think of it.

However, at this moment, he murmured like a devil, "Go ahead, let her call the police! As soon as the police come, I'll be charged for sexual assault, oh and… whatever happened before! These charges will warrant a jail term of 30 to 50 years, or perhaps… a life sentence! Little imp, you're really ruthless… "

Upon hearing this, Luo Zheng panicked as horror was written all over her pale face… but this time, she was scared for Bo Hancheng and not herself!

"Is this what you want?" He questioned while chuckling in a derisive manner.

Luo Zheng frantically shook her head without hesitation and threw her arms around his neck to hold him tightly. "No, that's not what I want! Brother Cheng, don't get the wrong idea… "