Getting into Mr. Bodyguard's Good Books

"Brother Cheng… "

Seeing that he did not answer even after a long time, Luo Zheng teared up again, looking extremely aggrieved.

At the same time, she continued to tug at his belt.

Bo Hancheng never knew that he had such weak willpower, for he was actually enticed by her subtle acts of seduction!

"Luo Zheng… don't behave like this…"

At the next moment, Bo Hancheng tried to stop Luo Zheng from igniting the fire within him while he could still control it.

However, Luo Zheng was extremely stubborn and refused to let go at all.

All of a sudden, the once romantic scene descended into a childish tug-of-war, with both of them vying to be the winner.

His belt surprisingly unbuckled out of nowhere.

Bo Hancheng got a great shock and was about to buckle it again. However, he did not expect Luo Zheng to beat him to it.

At that instant, Bo Hancheng quivered and his mind went blank while being overwhelmed with disbelief.