Evil Girl, It's Only Right For Me To Take Your Things

Due to the poison, Luo Zheng had been staying in the hospital for a week and only got discharged after her condition was stabilized.

During her hospitalization, she revised the notes stored in her mobile phone because she realized that the exams were just around the corner.

Even though she was crazy about Xi Mubai in her previous life, she was confident of getting in the top ten after doing some hardcore last minute revision because she felt that she had a strong foundation!

However, one could never be too careful.

After all, the consequences of losing the bet would be dire.

First, she would have to run around the field in a swimsuit for 10 kilometers and slap herself in front of the teachers and students… she even had to drop out of school and remain as a high school graduate forever!

Hence, she had to win and winning was her only option!