Xi Mubai, I Am Luo Luo, Xi Mubai Is Just An Imposter!

Luo Luo… Luo Luo… Luo Luo…

The simple words reminded her of plenty of memories.

Back then on Pine Mountain, maple leaves flew all over the sky and created an enchanting sight and a bed of flowers.

She heard that Xi Mubai had gone to the mountain to seek inspiration for his sketches. When she read the weather forecast, she realized that there would be a rainstorm in the afternoon and hence, got a little worried. She wanted to bring him an umbrella in hopes of getting closer to him.

However, the rain got heavier and it was said that a mudslide might happen in the evening.

Afraid that something would happen to him in the pitch darkness, she rolled down the mountains and almost fell to her death.

However, she found Xi Mubai who had been trapped there.

His leg was injured and his life was in danger.

She tried her best to save him. Knowing that he detested her, she decided to use the nickname "Luo Luo" instead of her real name.