Your Fiancee Tampered with Your Medicine

After saying her piece, Qi Sumei left swiftly.

Luo Zheng was left staring at him.

The two of them were standing extremely close to each other in the pool, so much that they could almost hear each other's heartbeat.

Bo Hancheng was the person whom Luo Zheng relied on the most while Gu Changye was the one whom she undoubtedly feared the most!

In reality, Luo Zheng could not understand his thought process and what he felt about Qi Sumei.

They were clearly childhood sweethearts who got engaged when they were younger. He was devoted to her… and felt inferior even after he got into an accident.

Yet, he actually tried to get her attention by continuously changing his lover!

He even acted intimately with other women in front of Qi Sumei.

How could a normal woman accept that? What more to fall in love with him!

In all, Gu Changye was a weirdo!