Plotting Against...

Luo Zheng looked at Xi Qianqian's pretentious smile before glancing at the glass of red wine again.


How ridiculous! If I remember correctly, Xi Qianqian hates me to the core. How could she make peace with me so easily!?!

"Qianqian, you're always so kindhearted!" Gu Sisi added nicely.

Xi Qianqian answered magnanimously, "Sisi, we're all in the same circle. Must you make things so unhappy for us all?"

She then continued to glance at Luo Zheng before tipping her glass of red wine forward, almost touching Luo Zheng's lips. "Zheng, what do you say? Shall we make up on my brother's account?"

The thought of her brother mentioning not long ago that the female partner he invited was Luo Zheng, made Xi Qianqian so infuriated that her chest hurt.

It was because of Luo Zheng that her legs were destroyed forever. She had to limp around and could no longer dance.