Xi Mubai Watched As Bo Hancheng Lowered His Head...

Luo Zheng quickly denied and retorted, only to realize at the end that her explanation seemed to be a bit unreasonable, and the more she explained, the more ridiculous she found it to be.

Just as she expected, his face turned cold at the next moment and he chuckled continuously. "According to what you said, do you mean that you can continue lying and hiding things from me if it's not the same banquet? What a pity!"

"Brother Cheng, don't twist my words on purpose… "

"Don't you already have your Brother Mubai, why do you still want Brother Cheng!?!" He interrupted coldly.

Xi Mubai hurriedly rushed towards them, almost in a timely manner. "Luo Zheng… "

His words came to an abrupt end. Xi Mubai stared at the corner from afar, only to see that she was all huddled up while Bo Hancheng was supporting himself against the wall with one hand.