You’re My Only Saving Grace... You’re Mr. Bodyguard...

Every word of his seemed like another dagger stabbing at Luo Zheng's heart.

Every thread that was holding her rationality together seemed to have broken completely!

"Apologise? Bo Hancheng, you want me to apologize to her!?! I'm telling you, no way! Over my dead body…" Luo Zheng's voice was sharp and shrill, and she sounded extremely miserable.

Everyone that was watching the commotion, suddenly began gossiping amongst themselves again.

"This girl looks pretty young. Even if she's mentally unsound, she shouldn't hold herself so cheap…"

"Tsk, tsk, not only did she become the third party of someone else's relationship, she's even pestering him brazenly…"

"I've only ever seen the rightful spouse hitting the home wrecker and never the other way around. It's an eye-opener! She's denied the chance to be his mistress and yet, she still refuses to admit her mistake and even hit the rightful spouse…"
