You're Just A Rat Who Is Only Worthy Of Living In The Dark And Never Worthy Of Seeing The Light Of Day!

As Luo Zheng left, everyone in the hall moved away from each other.

They were still gossiping about the sudden incident but their focus had shifted from Luo Zheng, to… Bo Hancheng!

They wondered what his status was, such that the Gu Family treated him so politely like they were afraid of offending him!

The Luo and Xi Families had held close ties with each other for a long time.

Luo Shuyuan felt relieved because he saw that Xi Mubai, whom he understood well, was chasing after Luo Zheng.

He then stared at Mu Tianwei and said in open disgust. "Mu Tianwei, if you can't protect Zheng, the Luo Family will protect her!"