Little imp, It's Me! I'm Bo Hancheng, Your Brother Cheng...

Even though the process of enduring was long and tormenting, she had to bear with it.

He couldn't help but caress her hair that was as long as seaweed and ran his fingers through them like they were silk threads.

Her inexplicable emotions suddenly emerged.

"Luo Zheng, what should I do with you?" Bo Hancheng said with a rare bitterness, showing his helplessness.

He couldn't throw her away, or keep her by his side.

In this life, he rarely encountered things that were beyond his control and could not be resolved.

Unfortunately, the girl in his arms was his greatest problem!

He couldn't quite express his exact emotions.

For the first time in his life, he felt extremely helpless and he began to develop feelings and thoughts about her that even he couldn't fathom.