Mr. Bo, Please Respect Yourself And Stay Away From Me

However, it was the same as quenching one's thirst with wine. The more one drinks, the thirstier he would get.

She stared at him to see that he was a little aroused.

If it were in the past, Luo Zheng would definitely be willing to be his woman and she might even agree to get intimate with him without putting up a fight.

However, at the thought of Bo Hancheng continuously saying that Mu Nianqing was his woman, she felt a strong sense of disgust.

Since he said that Mu Nianqing is his woman, has he… ever touched Mu Nianqing?

Has he ever been this intimate with Mu Nianqing too?

The more she thought about it, the more disgusted she felt.


At last, Luo Zheng could no longer stand it and hence she pushed Bo Hancheng away forcefully before turning her head towards the side and barfing continuously.

In the past two days, she barely ate anything and her stomach was empty. Hence, she couldn't throw up anything.