Sir, She's A Murderer...

"Luo Zheng, have you had enough!?!"

Bo Hancheng hollered and swung his hand because he wanted to push her away. Hence, he used quite a bit of force.


Luo Zheng was thrown off balance and she fell hard onto the ground.

All of a sudden, Bo Hancheng stopped in his tracks while glancing at the girl on the ground.

"Mr. Bo… I don't want to die… save me… " Mu Nianqing muttered weakly while lying in the man's embrace.

She then closed her eyes slowly and fainted while her hand fell from her body. She seemed to have lost all signs of life!

All of a sudden, Bo Hancheng could no longer be bothered with Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was still young and had gotten agitated because of the blue poison. That was why she assaulted Mu Nianqing.

Mu Nianqing can't die. Once she dies, there'll really be no way to clear Luo Zheng's name… Unlike me, her life should be clean and full of warmth. She can't shoulder such a burden!