Remember This, Remember It Well, You were the One Who Provoked Me First...

"Bo Hancheng, let me go! Let me go… "

Her body was extremely weak and after the scuffle, she almost couldn't hang in there.

"Let you go? Dream on!"

Upon hearing that Luo Zheng wanted to leave him, he grew even more sullen.

"Luo Zheng, remember this and remember it well, you were the one who provoked me first… "


On the way back, the two of them remained silent.

Luo Zheng stroked her bleeding lips with disappointment and melancholy in her heart.

At midnight, they arrived at the residence but Luo Zheng refused to alight at the thought of Mu Nianqing having lived there before.

Seemingly having guessed her thoughts, Bo Hancheng turned the steering wheel and headed to the Royal Orchid Garden.

Luo Zheng had confronted Mu Nianqing in the room and the mess had yet to be cleaned up. Hence, it wasn't suitable for Luo Zheng to stay there.