Forget It, I Won't Apologize To Her, Over My Dead Body!

Make it up to Mu Nianqing?

Luo Zheng felt a prick in her heart but she still tried to put on a lopsided smile. "How would you like me to make up for it, Mr. Bo?"

Bo Hancheng's eyes grew gloomy and there was a tinge of complicated feelings in them. At last, he said calmly, "Go to the hospital and apologize to her."

"Impossible! Bo Hancheng, don't even think about it… "

Luo Zheng's rationality disappeared and she retaliated fiercely, as if she was a cat that had its tail stepped on.

"You almost killed her. If you don't want to go to jail, you must apologize!"

Bo Hancheng frowned and spoke extremely calmly.

That was the only way that the media can be appeased and the matter can be resolved completely!

"Luo Zheng, you must explain this matter… "

"Bo Hancheng, I would rather go to jail! Apologize? Impossible! Never ever…"