Brother Cheng, I'm Really Urgent, Will You Accompany Me First?

However, she seemed rather sober and didn't seem to be suffering from a relapse. Hence, he moved his lips and said, "Alright, come in then."

Seeing that he had taken her words for real, Luo Zheng stayed still, feeling as if she had been put in a spot.

Her behavior had undoubtedly aroused Bo Hancheng's suspicion.

His aura turned extremely cold and dangerous… Afraid that he would find out, Luo Zheng immediately threw her hands around his neck without hesitation.

She tiptoed slightly and kissed his thin lips again, before being compelled into trying to touch his tongue with hers.

She initially wanted to just brush him off by sticking her tongue in perfunctorily for a brief moment and pulling it out quickly.

To her surprise, as soon as she moved her tongue in and wanted to pull it out, Bo Hancheng pressed a hand on the back of her head, forcing her to press her lips against him.