Caught In The Midst Of Running Away! He's Coming...

"Luo Zheng, go… "

All of a sudden, Xi Mubai's face grew sullen and he took the lead to open the door and get out of the car.

He then walked towards the passenger's seat and bent over to carry Luo Zheng in a bid to leave the place quickly.

He had a hunch that the black cars belonged to owners who obviously had ill intentions, and were likely to be related to Bo Hancheng!

Hence, Xi Mubai brought Luo Zheng away. Before they could even take a few steps, plenty of men in black alighted from the black cars and stepped forward to surround the duo.

"Who are you? What are you stopping us for!?!"

Xi Mubai questioned sternly with a bit of indifference on this silent night.

"We're not stopping you, we're just stopping… Miss Luo."

All of a sudden, a male voice came from behind, which was rather frivolous for some reason.