Mr. Bo, My Brother Mubai Is Still My Boyfriend, Regardless Of How Weak He May Be!

"Bo Hancheng, don't torture Zheng anymore, just come at me!"

Xi Mubai glowered at Bo Hancheng and hollered coldly.

When he saw Bo Hancheng bullying Luo Zheng just now, he felt anger burning in his chest and he couldn't control it at all!

Perhaps, he should have understood it at this moment.

Luo Zheng no longer ignored him like he used to, and she was no longer as silly, man-obsessed or idiotic as she used to be.

Whenever he faced Luo Zheng, he would be filled with complicated emotions.

The reason was unclear. It was perhaps because of Luo Zheng's change or because of the special dream.

"Zheng? What an intimate and affectionate term! Why? This is just the beginning and you already can't stand it? If I get intimate with her next…"

"Bo Hancheng, do you have the guts to!?!"