Your Body Is Too Dirty, You Must Go Back And Wash Up. Otherwise, I Won't Be Interested...

"Bo Hancheng, you lunatic! Let me go…"

She had never expected him to tie her up with the belt. She turned pale and she began struggling in panic.

However, she was not as strong as him and during the scuffle, her hands had already been tied up together. A slight struggle would cause her wrist to bleed because of the friction with the belt.

"Bo Hancheng, how could you tie me up with the belt? Untie me… "

Luo Zheng glared at him coldly as she couldn't accept it all of a sudden.

However, Bo Hancheng remained calm and answered calmly, "This is your punishment for disobeying me!"

All of a sudden, Luo Zheng flew into a rage and exclaimed, "Bo Hancheng, let go! Let go of me… "

Unfortunately, he ignored her and pressed his large palm against her waist without uttering another word.

They made their way to Royal Orchid Garden.