Get Lost, Get Lost Now...

"Although, I feel very disgusted about letting you touch me, I'm willing to do anything so long as I can leave this place… "

After saying that sentence, Luo Zheng's face turned pale, and she looked a little sickly.

Bo Hancheng laughed with anger and stepped forward to grab her wrist. "You feel disgusted when I touch you?"

"Yes, I feel disgusted, absolutely disgusted! So, please don't hold yourself so cheap again, Mr. Bo. Let me leave immediately… "

Luo Zheng struggled, hating how weak she was that she couldn't break free from his control.

"You're right, I shouldn't be holding myself cheap again and interfere with your affairs! As for your hymen, you may have really reconstructed it with surgery. The effects are indeed realistic. How many men have you fooled using this method, eh?"