I Don't Fancy You, I Have A Fiancee...

Jiang Musheng's expression was complicated. He first poured a glass of water and handed it to Luo Zheng before pouring out some pills and placing them on her palm.

"Where have you been the past few days? Were you… kidnapped? Do you want to call the police…"

While speaking, he watched as Luo Zheng finished the medicine and could not help but turn pale.

He had an uneasy expression and he was holding onto some ointment which he then handed to Luo Zheng. He said gently, "The doctor said that you're badly injured and… some part of you is badly ruptured and you need to apply the ointment in time."

Jiang Musheng paused and stared at Luo Zheng who was wearing the hospital gown that exposed the hickey on her neck. "I know, such incidents will definitely make you feel uncomfortable. However, if you don't report it to the police, the criminal will get away with it…"

Luo Zheng snorted with laughter.