Little Vixen, Stay Away From My Third Brother, I'm His Fiancee...

Bo Hancheng was her Mr. Bodyguard and she could only ask for his help. It should be alright!

Although she really wanted to cut it off completely,

She had no idea that Bo Hancheng's mobile number was the only number left. She remembered that she was staying in the Lanyuan mansion previously.

Someone answered the call!

"Bo Hancheng… "

Luo Zheng called his name awkwardly.

However, at the next moment, a female voice sounded, "Which vixen are you? Why are you looking for my third brother!?!"

Third brother? Vixen!

Upon hearing his words, Luo Zheng's heart wrenched up and she asked, "Who are you? I'm looking for Bo Hancheng… "

"Tsk, tsk, you don't even know who I am! That's right, this is Beijing, not Britain. How can a lowly person know my identity! Little vixen, I'm telling you, stay away from my third brother. I'm his fiancee! Before this, I wasn't here. I can ignore you seducing my third brother… "

She said arrogantly.