You're Out To Kill Me

Luo Xinya was taken away, stark naked. Her loud shrieks and bawling could be heard everywhere.

Luo Anning got off Rong Yan's lap and stared at him. "Aren't you going a little overboard?"

After all Luo Xinya was a public figure. Her reputation would definitely be affected if she were to get dragged out of the office tower stark naked.

It did not really matter to her, after all, she had a feud with Luo Xinya. However, Rong Yan seemed to be a little too ruthless.

Luo Xinya had no feud with him but he was out to kill her.

Rong Yan asked with a mirthless smile, "I have worse tricks. Would you like to see how ruthless your 'hubby' can be?"

Since Luo Xinya actually had the audacity to seduce him, she ought to bear the consequences of her actions.

He had already shown her mercy by dragging her out instead of sending her to Tang.