You're The First Person Who Has Ever Dared to Hit Me

Luo Anning stared at him in bewilderment while Lu Momo said with a solemn expression, "Anning, like you said, you don't love Young Master Rong at all and you've even slapped him in public. How could an arrogant person like him forgive you?"

"We couldn't contact you at all last week. If I'm not wrong, you were actually confined to Luxury Mansion by Young Master Rong, right?"

Luo Anning nodded because she had indeed been confined and was only released today.

"Have you ever thought of the fact that cleaning the toilets might only be the beginning? The beginning of his revenge on you?" Lu Momo said.

"I know, but what can I do? I still have to snatch Anning Corporation back but it's impossible for me to do so without Old Mr. Rong's help," Luo Anning said with a dejected sigh.