Don't Be Nosy (5)

Lu Momo stuck her tongue out and grimaced at him. "Must I say it just because you want me to? I'm not going to stoop that low."

She then quickly scurried away. Extremely infuriated, Tang Chao wished he could hang her up and beat her into a pulp. He grunted distastefully and chased after her.

The matter was settled then and there. Ou Lixue struggled to get up from the ground. Her face, which she treasured greatly, had become extremely swollen and all she could think about was hiding her face from the reporters.

She bought a scarf and a pair of shades which she then used to hide her face while leaving the designer store. Just as she exited the mall and was about to hail a cab, Luo Anning suddenly appeared in front of her like a spirit that popped up out of nowhere.

Ou Lixue gasped in terror and asked, "Ah! Didn't you… didn't you already leave?"